Saturday, September 1, 2012

Burn Update

My forehead healed beautifully ( THANK GOD!!!!). Because I didn't and still don't have health insurance, I opted to go the natural route and consulted my father about treating the burn: Here's what he prescribed.
Day 1: Aloe vera gel ( straight from the plant)

Day 2: The blisters started to ooze a bit of pus so he had me put Golden Seal powder on it. Once the infection went way I went back to Aloe Vera Gel for a little while.

Day 3 - 12: I put therapeutic grade lavender oil on the wound. I used Young Living's lavender oil, you can find it on my Dad's website.

Day 12- 14: I used Raw Honey to continue the healing process ( It's full of active enzymes)

Here's my Dad's website... check it out>

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