To say that I was pleasantly surprised about all that beets have to offer would be an understatement. Actually, I shouldn’t be all that surprised…. Parents and grandparents have been shoveling them down unappreciative kids’ throats for millenia. Now that we are older and (ehem) wiser…we can start enjoying force feeding our own kids these crimson jewels, and dare I say enjoy them ourselves,
Medicinal Benefits of the Beet
1.It’s great for your blood - Surprised? Check the color. I’ve noticed that in nature God put everything in dummy’s terms for us. You have an issue often times look at the shape and color of the veggie to see what it’s good for. Blood red, and shaped kinda like a heart – No brainer.
2. Chi Circulation – You don’t want your energy to become stagnant
3. Good for the heart
4. Treats anemia
5. Has anti-inflammatory properties
6. Cleanses the blood
7. Helps to dissolve acid crystals from the kidneys and may help to prevent kidney stones
8. Alleviates constipation
9. Cleanses the liver
10. Promotes menstruation
Often Neglected, but super important: The Beet greens. No don’t throw those out….. they are full of nutrients and easy to cook. Simply cut them off of the root, wash them, spin dry of pat dry in a paper towel, and lightly sauté with olive oil, onions, garlic, salt and a few sprinkles of crushed red pepper flakes in a pan just like you would fresh spinach. Voila… you have a healthy side dish.
Medical Benefits of Beet Greens:
1. Excellent Source of Folic acid
2. Vitamin K and Vitamin A
3. Contains more iron and calcium than the roots.
4. Contains betacyanin – a powerful anticarcinagen
Fun facts:
1.Beets were domesticated in the Mediterranean.
2.Have the highest sugar content than any vegetable.
3.After eating beets 10-15% of U.S. adults will experience beeturia ( Yup… you guessed it red pee)
4.Was considered an Aphrodesiac (Woohoo… and they’re cheaper than oysters)
In conclusion, beets are awesome. If for not other reason than to see if you are among the 10-15% of Americans who experience beeturia haha….. No but seriously give them a try, they are healthy, cool to look at, and when prepared with the love and care they deserve… delicious to eat.
Tomorrow: How I prepared my beets.
Wood, Rebecca Theurer., Paul Pitchford, and Peggy Markel. The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia: a Comprehensive Resource for Healthy Eating. New York, NY: Penguin, 2010. Print.
The Vegetarian Guide to Diet & Salad by N. W. Walker
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