Let me begin this post by saying that the DC Public Library is one of the greatest resources that this city has to offer (any city really). This week while taking one of my many trips to the Palisades Library, I picked up Michael Pollan's Food Rules. It's 112 pages, half of which are pictures. It took me about 2 hours to read it at most, and is chock full of practical information on how to eat. What I really like about Michael Pollen, is that his approach to eating is very practical. You don't have to go out and buy any new gadgets or deny yourself food. His philosophy is this simple:
Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
The book is divided into 3 sections. The first helps you to distinguish between "real food" and "food-like substances". Section 2 goes into the types of food to eat, including meat. Lastly, Section 3 talks about how you should eat and gives you practical strategies to help prevent over eating.
All in all, I really enjoyed Food Rules. I've passed it on to my co-workers and they've liked it also. Food Rules is very simple, practical, and doesn't leave you feeling guilty. I closed the book feeling empowered, knowing that I have all of the tools that I needed to make better food choices, thus improving my health. So, I'll leave you by saying: Go to your local library/ bookstore, read it and then share it. The last two steps are the most important because sharing is caring and knowledge is power. Let's uplift our families and communities...
If you have time on this beautiful Saturday afternoon, and you'd like to read up on Michael Pollan's mantra for eating, check out this article he wrote a few years ago.
Michael Pollen 2007 New York Times article
Let me know what you think.
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