In my continuing my quest to become one of the baddest chicks ever....I filleted a whole fish today :-) Yup guts, scales, fins, head, tail - gone! Yes, the job was completed within a controlled environment, but dammit I didn't even squeal a little bit. Much to the contrary. And after it was all said and done, blood, guts and all. I dredged it in flour, threw that joint into a pan, seared it in butter, tossed a few slivers of toasted almonds on top and then ate it Mmmmm.

Tools of the trade L -> R: Shears to cut the fins and remove the gills, My chef's knife for the heavy work, Steel to sharpen the knives, and my fillet knife to fillet the fish.

Meet Paul.... my lunch erm I mean my fish lol.

Filleting in progress

A job well done. We saved the bones for fish stock.

Time for the best part: LUNCH!!!!!!