Finally Saturday. 14 women working in one house. 11 energetic, complaining 5, 6, and 7 year olds, 5 am mornings, a dysfunctional Macbook and 8 new brackets cemented onto my teeth. Oh and did I forget to mention that I was also PMSing?
This week has been busy, but all my weeks are busy. This week was hectic, it began at a fervent pace and ended watching drag queens perform ballads on Friday night. My brakes were not fully engaged until sometime early this afternoon as I watched King of Queens while laying in bed. Wheeeew! One would think that because my week was so busy that my plans of world domination, oops I meant weight loss, would have been squelched, but nay.... :-)
I have lost 8 pounds in the past six days. Several factors helped me out along the way:
1. I exercised 5 out of the six days since I started this challenge,
2. Boredom after work, I barely saw or spoke to any of my friends
3. Work stress - I hit the elliptical HARD this week
4. Eating a vegetarian diet heavy on the fruits and veggies
5. Getting Braces again (My teeth hurt so bad I've pretty much stuck to a liquid diet)
6. My dad, boyfriend and several other friends have started to hit the gym hard.
7. And most important I set a realistic and attainable goal.
Setting a goal of losing just 8 pounds in 5 weeks pounds (a little over a pound and a half per week), exercising only 20 minutes a day ensured I wasn't stressed about losing a crazy amount of weight so that made it easier. I also didn't beat my self up to hard if I messed up, *flashback to the french fries with hot sauce and ranch drizzled on top yum!*, I just did my thing in the gym the next day. I'm super proud of myself.
Anyway, here is a list of some healthy food that I ate this week
- ALOT of H2O
- "Zamu" when I woke up for that early morning boost (check out
- Almond milk mixed with blackstap mollasses to keep my minerals up
- Fruit: Bananas, mangos, apples, red grapes
- Black beans
- Guacamole
- Salsa ( I made a dip and then burritos with all of the above)
- $ 2.99 pre-package salads at Safeway for lunch - all under 300 calories
- Peanut butter sandwiches
- Soup - Blackbean, butternut squash, and tomato
- "Recovazon" when I went to bed so that I wouldn't be too sore after working out (
Current Weight: 176.1
Goal 176. (I'm going to set a new goal once I lose that last .1)
The Wii say that I will be out of the dreaded pink over weight range once I'm below 169 lbs
Shout out to Danielle for saying that she likes my blog, I really didn't think anyone read it. And a shout out to LA for hooking up my Wifi - I'm writing this in bed :-)
Healthy Eating everyone!