Thursday, April 15, 2010

Biker.... Who? MEEEEE?

Today was a good day. Without a doubt, I attribute most of my current joy to the endorphins pumping through my vein and the shower I took after my ride. A few weeks back, I took the plunge. No that’s not right… I’ve been tiptoeing around getting a bike for years, and I finally just did it.

Damnit, I’m proud of myself J. I was sooooo scared to get this bike. I worried about getting the wrong bike, looking like a fool, falling and getting hit while riding. All relevant and realistic fears, but I did it anyway. My commute to work has been cut from almost an hour to a half hour, and if I don’t make it to the gym-who cares. My half hour bike ride to and from work burns about 345 calories each way. Check out this website to get an approximation of how many calories you are burning during activities: AAAANNNND I feel like I’ve joined the cool kids club.

To help balance out all that good exercise, and my budget (haha – or not), I’ve started cooking when I can. Here’s tonight’s recipe: Pasta with Tuna Sauce. It sounds gross, but it’s easy to make, and I won’t have to but a single ingredient (SCORE!!!!!)

I’ll let y’all know how it goes.
